The Wellness Clinic
Acupuncture in Greater Geelong
Latrobe Health Centre, 94 - 96 MC Killop St. Geelong. Greater Geelong, VIC, 3220.Are you the owner or manager of this company?
What you should know about The Wellness Clinic
It’s time to donate up with some aid from us. Our laser acupressure therapy is based on customary Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Our Cease Smoking program treats the organs and channels directly linked to smoking, which are primarily the lungs and heart. We’d love to hear from you and assist you get started on the path to a smoke free life. Our cease smoking therapy is a form of laser acupressure which targets the equivalent points as acupuncture does, but without the needles. Focusing the laser beam on these energy points stimulates the nerve endings and causes your body to release endorphin which help to lessen nicotine craving and withdrawal symptoms. When you quit smoking, the sudden drop in endorphin levels leads to withdrawal symptoms and physical cravings. The laser stimulates your body’s instinctive aptitude to detoxify the nicotine, getting you through the nicotine withdrawal more quickly. At the equivalent time the treatment targets other points that are thought to restrain appetite, in order to assist prohibit the weight benefit that often comes with quitting smoking, and to encourage relaxation. Cold lasers do not significantly heat or ruin tissue. They are very diverse from the cutting lasers used in surgery or hair removal. Laser light penetrates the body and is thought to motivate metabolic process, promoting tissue regeneration, reducing inflammation and relieving pain. You may opt for a optional acupuncture body balance treatment to assist lessen the symptoms of generous up, which include the coughing and mucus that enlarge as the lungs begin to neat themselves. Hung La is an acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist, practicing acupuncture for 10 years in her own practice, Eastern Therapies. She continues to receive customary educational trips to Nanjing to observe with the world’s superior teachers. She has worked with patients whose addiction problems include drugs, alcohol, tobacco even chocolate. Her treatment supports patients with withdrawal symptoms and further assists with the stress levels that arrive with any type of cessation. She believes that appropriate health and wellness require a lengthy term view of the patient’s body and a focus on prevention as much as treatment. Her intention is to donate the superior care and service to patients both emotionally and physically. Smoking is recognized worldwide as one of the habits most chancy to health. According to the World Health organization, tobacco kills almost six million people each year, the maximum common deaths related to smoking including lung cancer, coronary heart disease and cardiovascular respiratory diseases. The statistical research shows that More than five million of those deaths are the result of direct tobacco use while more than 600 00 are the result of nonsmokers being exposed to secondhand smoke. Studies have found stimulation on acupuncture points with a low level laser to be helpful in all types of treatment and management. It is advisable to c
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